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7 Office Thanksgiving Celebration Ideas

7 Office Thanksgiving Celebration Ideas | Corporate Thanksgiving Tips

The office Thanksgiving party is an annual chance for business leaders to show how much they appreciate the efforts of employees. If done right, it can make the corporate Thanksgiving get-together something everyone looks forward to each year.

Most businesses wait until the last minute to put together an office Thanksgiving party, which often ends up not being what they hoped to accomplish. This year, take some time to plan and really show your employees how much they mean to your company’s success!

Holding successful Thanksgiving parties is often just a function of planning properly. Here are some ideas to get you thinking.

A Lunch Outside the Office

Taking a break from being at the office can elevate the mood of everyone. One idea for Thanksgiving is for each department (or business units within a department, if it is large) getting together for a meal outside of the office at a high-end restaurant. Everyone gets a chance to simply sit around, talk, eat and enjoy each other’s company for the holiday.

The Office Potluck

This is an office Thanksgiving party classic for a reason. There’s something about an office potluck that is always fun. It can bring out some surprises. Who knew, for example, that the quiet guy from accounting could make a great turkey roast? One of the big advantages of an office potluck is that everyone gets to bring a dish they themselves would eat, which helps with making sure vegans, vegetarians and carnivores are all happy.

Thanksgiving Gifts

Many companies used to give a turkey to each employee. Some smaller companies probably still do. Another way to go is to give every employee a gift card that can help them with the next month’s Christmas shopping.

Play Fun Games

How about some fun games for the office Thanksgiving party? You can rent carnival games with tons of great options as well as electronic games. You can also get giant chess and checkers or even a portable golf course. For whatever kind of game you think employees will want to play, there’s an option.

Wall of Thanks

This is sort of like the classic Wall of Fame, but specially designed for the office Thanksgiving celebration. The idea is to arrange photos of your employees in a prominent location. Each photo should have a note attached recognizing their specific contribution to the company and why they are so appreciated. It’s a very public way to recognize each individual employee’s value to the organization.

Volunteer in the Community

The “giving” part of Thanksgiving is something that a business can help facilitate for all employees. Rather than hold a party, you might consider sponsoring an event around Thanksgiving that raises money for a worthy cause. Or, you can volunteer for a local organization as a group.

Plan An Outing

Much like the first idea on this list, this one gets everyone out of the office to do something enjoyable. Considering planning a trip for your team to do something healthy and fun, such as hiking or visiting a local attraction. It’s a fantastic way to show employee appreciation to your staff.

These are some ideas that make your corporate Thanksgiving party that much more fun. Take the time to do a little planning and show your employees how much you appreciate all they do for you.

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